A friend of mine just left the house a few minutes ago and had brought over his Modern deck that we’d been talking about and playing with on and off for about a year now – never too seriously, mind you. The idea had started off with accelerating into land destruction on turn 2 or so backed up by cheap fat creatures, similar to how historical Vintage Suicide Black did. The problem is though that in Modern, there isn’t a lot that’s playable at three mana to blow up lands barring some kind of shenanigans – most of the good ones start at four mana instead.

Tonight, while he was here, I realized we have to attack it the other way: attacking with cheap fat creatures, and use land destruction or the like to let our guys through. So now we’re looking at something along the lines of:

4 Dryad Militant
4 Nettle Sentinel
4 Kalonian Tusker
3 Scavenging Ooze
1 Garruk’s Companion
4 Leatherback Baloth
1 Predator Ooze
2 Polukranos, World Eater

4 Beast Within
4 Bramblecrush
2 Garruk, Primal Hunter
1 Bow of Nylea
2 Deglamer

18 Forest
4 Ghost Quarter
2 Thespian Stage

The point of this deck is to drop cheap fat creatures and use removal to stop your opponent from having useful answers to them. The group of Beast Within and Bramblecrush are there primarily to deny your opponent relevant lands, but obviously if something else is more important, go there instead. There’s still a lot of testing to be done, of course. One card we were thinking about before he left was Jugan, the Rising Star – a 5/5 flyer in green for six mana that makes one of your other creatures huge when it dies is pretty good, especially since green isn’t known for fat flying creatures. It seems like a reasonable starting point but we’ll have to come up with a gauntlet to test against to see how it performs.

Thoughts, questions, feedback?